Jom’e Mobarak (Happy Friday)

Good Afternoon!  It is our day off today.  On Fridays, Afghan people are off work, go to Mosque, and enjoy a beautiful day out for a picnic in Pacmon with their families and friends.

Yesterday was my first day of officially interacting with the orphaned children.  I watched with careful detail on how current teachers taught the little boys and girls and had a chance of playing a few games with them.  Once all the staff members left, I stayed behind and the kids were so eager to show me around their home.  They ferociously battled to hold my hand and sit next to me.  I sometimes forget how loving and innocent they are.  After lunch, the children took their nap for a couple of hours while I began brainstorming on structured curriculum for the classes that I will be teaching.  Ian was not kidding when he said he was not going to look over my shoulder after introducing me to the orphanages.  My schedule is set and I will be very busy! Here is a brief idea of what I will be doing for the next 6 weeks:

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: Teaching in Mehan Orphanage with the pre-teen girls and assisting the local physician at the clinic (10-4:30); Girl’s soccer practice or Tae Kwon Do (5-7)

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: Teaching four classes in Sitara Orphanage with the little tikes (girls and boys) (8:30-7)

Friday: holidays

VOY, this will go by fast…

Yesterday was also the first day I met the adolescent girls from ages 15-19 before attending their soccer practice.  They were all so full of laughter, humor, and beauty.  They were geared up in their soccer uniforms and hair tied neatly back while singing Afghan pop music with the stereo.  This is such a remarkable thing in Afghanistan.  Women are severely oppressed and can not enjoy the freedoms and luxuries that men do.  To see them in their gear is heartwarming and hopeful because this takes Afghanistan a leap forward towards equality.  Here are a few photos of their practice.

This afternoon, AFCECO staff members and myself took the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful lunch at a restaurant in the city.  Although the streets are unpaved, dusty, and full of waste, many restaurants and homes are hidden behind massive gates.  This is where we ate lunch!  We also took the opportunity to take a cat nap on the pillows.  Might I add, the honeydew juice was AMAZING!  I felt as if I stuck a straw right into a juicy melon.

Before returning home, Andeisha was nice enough to take me to the top of TV mountain: a cluster of antennae of telecommunication equipment.  I took many photos that you all may enjoy.

Calling it day; I must work on writing out the rest of my curriculum for the remainder of the evening.  Have a great weekend!

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